To Inspire
Academic Excellence

To Nurture
Creativity, Curiosity, and Imagination

To Awaken
The Human Potential!

Welcome to my personal web site. I am an American Montessori Society trained teacher, working in the public school system.
Over the years, I have answered countless questions for people about Montessori education and philosophy while addressing common misconceptions. Then, about two years ago, I started answering questions on Yahoo Answers. Before I knew it, I was referring people interested in Montessori education to my Yahoo Answers Profile so that they could read some of the things that I wrote. Yet the profile and my answers often seemed too hard for them to find. More than once I was told that I should just put all my answers onto an easy to access website.
This summer, I decided to listen to those suggestions and started to make a website for my Yahoo Answers answers. Yet the more I worked, the more things that I wanted to add. Book lists, education articles, links to places to buy Montessori Materials, a section on what to look for when looking at Montessori schools...
Before I knew it, the site had become quite large and comprehensive. I hope you find it informative, interesting and easy to navigate. If there is anything that you feel I haven't addressed, please contact me at the address provided at the bottom of this page and I will do my best to add that information.
If your plan is for one year,
plant rice;
If your plan is for ten years,
plant trees;
If your plan is for a hundred years,
Educate children.
- Confucius